THE NEANDERTHALS HAD BROW RIDGES TO KEEP THE SUN OUT OF THEIR EYES, BUT WHY DON'T WE? WHEN A LEADING SCIENTIST WALKED INTO A WALL AND BROKE HIS NOSE, HE DECIDED TO FIND OUT. IN THIS FASCINATING AND WIDE-RANGING BOOK, DR. ELLIS SILVER EXAMINES THE EVIDENCE THAT'S ALL AROUND US ... AND DISCOVERS THAT WE EVOLVED ON A WORLD DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT FROM THE ONE WE LIVE ON TODAY. HERE'S WHAT YOU'LL DISCOVER: • • 53 factors that prove we couldn't have evolved on Earth • • Why we're here on Earth, and how and when we got here • • Where our true home planet is, and what it's like to live there • • Why valid evidence is ignored, denied and covered up by scientists and governments. (There's actually a very good reason.) • • What we really know about extraterrestrials and their spacecraft • DR. SILVER ALSO UNCOVERS: • • The origins of RNA and DNA, and how life evolved - on Earth and elsewhere • •...
We hack the human brain, study metaphysics and apply quantum physics two areas that were not meant to be.